Privacy Policy
All personal information collected through the website is treated in compliance with current regulations on privacy and data processing.
The website is accessible and navigable anonymously. All product data sheets are freely available, the same goes for the possibility of placing products in the cart to prove a purchase and check the shipping costs. Instead, it is necessary to register when you decide to proceed with the purchase. In this case you will be asked to enter the information strictly necessary for the purchase and delivery of the product.
Within the registration form it will be possible to subscribe to the Newsletter to be periodically informed about our promotions. These data can be modified by the user at any time, through the "My account" section. The data provided is subject to compliance with the law on the "Protection of the person and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data" (Legislative Decree 30.6.2003 n. 196), known as the Privacy Law.
Personal data is processed mainly on electronic and paper support, as part of the normal activity of our company, for:
1. Purposes strictly connected and instrumental to the management of relations with the compiler (internal statistics, satisfaction feedback, preliminary acquisitions of information aimed at concluding a contract or providing a service, etc.);
2. Purposes related to the obligations established by current tax legislation;
3. If expressly permitted in the registration form, for promotional purposes or for sending editorial material.
The interested party expressly and freely enjoys the rights pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 30.6.2003 n. 196, namely: to request confirmation of the existence at the Bembo headquarters of one's personal data; to know their origin, the logic and the purposes of their treatment; to obtain the updating, rectification and integration; to request their cancellation or blocking in case of unlawful treatment, to oppose their treatment for legitimate reasons, it being understood that obtaining the cancellation of one's personal data is subject to sending a written communication sent to the company headquarters.
The data controller is Martini srl , domiciled in Piazza Carducci, 6 - 21100 - Varese
The website is accessible and navigable anonymously. All product data sheets are freely available, the same goes for the possibility of placing products in the cart to prove a purchase and check the shipping costs. Instead, it is necessary to register when you decide to proceed with the purchase. In this case you will be asked to enter the information strictly necessary for the purchase and delivery of the product.
Within the registration form it will be possible to subscribe to the Newsletter to be periodically informed about our promotions. These data can be modified by the user at any time, through the "My account" section. The data provided is subject to compliance with the law on the "Protection of the person and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data" (Legislative Decree 30.6.2003 n. 196), known as the Privacy Law.
Personal data is processed mainly on electronic and paper support, as part of the normal activity of our company, for:
1. Purposes strictly connected and instrumental to the management of relations with the compiler (internal statistics, satisfaction feedback, preliminary acquisitions of information aimed at concluding a contract or providing a service, etc.);
2. Purposes related to the obligations established by current tax legislation;
3. If expressly permitted in the registration form, for promotional purposes or for sending editorial material.
The interested party expressly and freely enjoys the rights pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 30.6.2003 n. 196, namely: to request confirmation of the existence at the Bembo headquarters of one's personal data; to know their origin, the logic and the purposes of their treatment; to obtain the updating, rectification and integration; to request their cancellation or blocking in case of unlawful treatment, to oppose their treatment for legitimate reasons, it being understood that obtaining the cancellation of one's personal data is subject to sending a written communication sent to the company headquarters.
The data controller is Martini srl , domiciled in Piazza Carducci, 6 - 21100 - Varese