Recipes with Spices
Shakshuka is a colorful and flavorful dish originating from North Africa , but very popular in Israel . It consists of fried eggs , cooked in a sauce of tomatoes...
Shakshuka is a colorful and flavorful dish originating from North Africa , but very popular in Israel . It consists of fried eggs , cooked in a sauce of tomatoes...
Samosas are a classic Indian street food , appreciated all over the world for their crispy exterior and soft and spicy filling . They are fried or baked triangles of...
Samosas are a classic Indian street food , appreciated all over the world for their crispy exterior and soft and spicy filling . They are fried or baked triangles of...
Chai Latte
Chai Latte is a warm and indulgent beverage originating from India , where it is simply called "chai," which means "tea" in Hindi . This delicious blend combines black tea...
Chai Latte
Chai Latte is a warm and indulgent beverage originating from India , where it is simply called "chai," which means "tea" in Hindi . This delicious blend combines black tea...
Italian Panpepato
Panpepato is a traditional dessert , rich in history and flavor, that accompanies us through the Christmas holidays . Its origins date back to the Middle Ages , when bread...
Italian Panpepato
Panpepato is a traditional dessert , rich in history and flavor, that accompanies us through the Christmas holidays . Its origins date back to the Middle Ages , when bread...
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin pie is a dessert with ancient origins, which has its roots in the North American culinary tradition . Pumpkin, with its characteristic sweet flavor and creamy consistency , has...
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin pie is a dessert with ancient origins, which has its roots in the North American culinary tradition . Pumpkin, with its characteristic sweet flavor and creamy consistency , has...
Onion Soup
Onion soup is a dish that has its roots in French folk tradition. Born as a simple and nutritious food , soupe à l'oignon has become a symbol of rustic...
Onion Soup
Onion soup is a dish that has its roots in French folk tradition. Born as a simple and nutritious food , soupe à l'oignon has become a symbol of rustic...